• Member Since 3rd Nov, 2012


I'm totally sophisticated and smart. You see that cute kid in the picture? He represents my very soul... and my expert use with Google Images. I AM SMART DAMMIT

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This story is a sequel to The Adventures of Schadenfreude

Schadenfreude, long known for his mischievous and generally dickish ways, has long been a thorn in the side of many a castle attendant.

Yet he has nowhere near as much experience in the field as a certain Spirit of Chaos.

And they are known to cross paths from time to time. Which, like any good friendship, had to start somewhere.

(New cover art by the fantastic TodayIWriteFanfics!)

Chapters (1)

In the alternate timeline where Sombra was not stopped, a human finds himself suddenly in Sombra's body... just after the dread tyrant has conquered Equestria. Now trapped in a world where just about everyone hates him, he must try to keep up the illusion that he is the villainous conqueror, while at the same time try to win over his new subjects.

However, this will not be so simple, as the real Sombra is not quite dead... and he is most definitely not happy.

Part of The Ocean Of Time series.

Chapters (8)

A millennium ago, give or take, Princesses Celestia and Luna were nearly defeated by the most powerful villain that they had ever faced, Grogar, the dreaded lord of Tambelon. Thanks only to the whims of random chance, the two princesses survived that encounter, but have been forced to live in fear of the time of his inevitable return. That time is now...

...But whatever revival was intended has gone a little... wrong. Behind the wheels of Grogar's body is the spirit of a slightly extremely eccentric human. Equestria would have been lucky to survive the real Grogar, but will the ponies fare any better with this loon ruling Tambelon?

Sex Tag For Sexy Times Reasons, Gore Tag For Gorey Time Reasons.

You. Have. Been. Warned.

Chapters (13)

This story is a sequel to Schadenfreude 2: Schadenfreude Harder

Schadenfreude is a simple pony. He enjoys the little things. Taking up as much room on an elevator as he likes. Sleeping through movies. And being a general annoyance to everyone around him.Of course, this leads to everyone around him disliking him on principle. Which only makes him smile wider.

After one too many "incidents" at his normal job, his employer takes it upon himself to "volunteer" him to work at the castle. As a butler.

For Prince Blueblood.

You can imagine the kind of shenanigans he gets up to now.

See that [Incomplete] tag below? Yeah. It's happening.

You asked for it. Sequel to Schadenfreude 2: Schadenfreude Harder, and the train wreck that started it all, Schadenfreude.

(New cover art by the fantastic TodayIWriteFanfics!)

Chapters (24)

With a name like Schadenfreude and a special talent for either finding or setting off all those little nuances or annoying ticks that just drive ponies mad, you'd think he'd spend most of his time in prison. On the contrary.

He's Prince Blueblood's butler.

Actually, he does get thrown in the dungeon a lot.

Here's just one of those instances.

(New cover art by the fantastic TodayIWriteFanfics!)

Chapters (1)

One ordinary mare. One never-ending time loop. Infinite ways to die.

How long before she snaps?

Chapters (19)

Two months ago, Anon was sent to Ponyville on Celestia's behest. Now, after not hearing from him, Celestia goes to investigate (a bit belated, sure, but without that plot point the whole story falls apart so whatever). She doesn't like what she finds. Neither will you.

Not a clopfic despite the sex tag, but there is a ton of filthy language and imagery here written by a filthier mind. You've been warned.

Chapters (1)

Pinkie Pie has a spare of everything. Even emergencies. You know, in case of emergency emergencies.

Chapters (1)

Stop me if you heard this one: I have been sent to Ponyville on a personal quest. Now I'm stuck in a town with a cowgirl with a manly-sounding name, A crazy cat lady with variety, a damsel who wants to make me look fabulous, an egomaniac (who could be gay... it's the hair), and a mare so hyped up I swear she was on something.

No, I'm not Twilight Sparkle, but it is HER friends. I don't have any. That's why I'm stuck here. My name is Woundsalt.

Uber thanks to Carnival for this magnificent creation of a cover.

And do you really need a warning that there are spoilers in the comments? I expected more from you.


Chapters (44)

Xenolance, a devious villain, had been cornered by the Mane six, and soon his villainous ways will be brought to an end!

... If the six heroines can stay on topic, that is.

Just a quick one-shot. Had this idea for a day or two, and couldn't keep a serious face for the life of me.

Due to vague death threats popular demand, additional shorts in this series will be added. The story will remain 'Complete', as the additional shorts will be mostly self contained.

Chapters (12)